Friday, January 30, 2009

Daily Recipe

You probably have noticed that my recipes are nothing fancy. With 5 kids and everything else that goes on here I keep things simple. Most of them are really cheap as well. This is one of the super simple ones.

Cabbage and Kielbasa

1 head cabbage, cut up
butter or margarine
1 pkg kielbasa
1 pkg egg noodles
While boiling noodles in one pot, cook cabbage in butter (I don't will probably need half a stick or so). You will need a large skillet or an electric one to fit the cabbage. It will cook down. Cook it to desired tenderness (I like it a little crispy). While all that is going cut up the kielbasa. I cut it in half lengthwise and then slice it. Cook the keilbasa. When everything is done combine the drained noodles, cabbage and kielbasa. Add salt and pepper and enjoy.

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